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    S5 Line : The ideal industrial robot. 3-axis robots. 30-800 T. Technology. sepro_s5line_range_recadre. The S5 Line is designed using the best Sepro technology
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    more recent product manuals containing warnings, information, precautions, .. S900–II is an electronic control system for Cartesian robots equipped with 3 to 5 G if this occurs again, warn your maintenance team or call the Sepro After
    Specially developed by Sepro for injection molding machines, the Visual control system makes it easier to use and program your robot.
    The Sepro Group designs and integrates 3-axis, 5-axis and 6 axis robots with a The monobloc frame structure and prismatic guide rails ensure greater rigidityPROGRAMMING. Program structure. Basic instructions. Creating an EPS cycle and changing the program. IMM / Robot interface. Creating and testing a program
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    Using a robot in production. PRINCIPLES OF THE NUMERIC CONTROL SYSTEM Hardware Safety Initialization procedures Movements in “manual mode” End
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