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    Total hip replacement exercises pdf >> DOWNLOAD

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    Total Hip Replacement Rehabilitation Care Program. Total Hip Replacement Rehabilitation Exercises. ? Ankle Pumps. (1) Slowly bend the foot up and down at
    Attention may be given to other musculoskeletal issues in areas above the replaced joint that can influence the outcome of the total hip arthroplasty. The goal ofStraight Leg Raises. Bend the “good” leg up so that your foot is flat on the bed. Lift operated leg up, keeping knee straight. Slowly lower leg down to the bed. 7. Hip
    11. Hamstring (Back of Thigh) Curls. Hamstring (Back of Thigh) Curls. • Bend your knee so that the heel of your operated leg. • Bend your operated hip by bringing. Do not go beyond a 90° bend. Standing Hip Bending. Hold 5 seconds. Repeat 10-30 times. Hold 5 seconds.

    TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY PROTOCOL. The following protocol should be used as a guideline for rehabilitation progression, but may need to be altered.

    All exercises are to be performed 2x daily. EXERCISE 7. Short Arc Quads. To strengthen your thigh or quad muscles. •
    Ankle Pumps. Gently point toes up towards your nose and down towards the surface. Abduction and Adduction. Slide leg out to the side. Heel Slides. Bend knee and pull heel towards buttocks. Short Arc Quads. Quad Sets. Gluteal Sets. Knee Extension – Long Arc. Standing Heel Raises.
    Arm chair push-ups. You need strong arms to use your walker (or crutches) and to help you get out of bed. Foot and ankle pump. This helps to reduce swelling and. Breathing. • Sit with shoulders relaxed. Core heel slide. • Lie on your back with knees bent, Lower buttock squeeze. Knee straightening. Leg slide out. Hip

    As part of your recovery, you are expected to complete your prescribed exercises twice a day, practice walking and apply ice as needed to your surgical area.
    As part of your recovery, you are expected to complete your prescribed exercises twice a day, practice walking and apply ice as needed to your surgical area.

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