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  • #437743



    Rubber mulch playground installation instructions >> DOWNLOAD

    Rubber mulch playground installation instructions >> READ ONLINE


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    rubber mulch groundcover for playgrounds and commercial landscaping applications. Installation Guidelines for Playground. • The ground area where the
    Installation Guide for Rubber Mulch in a Public Playground It is not recommended to install rubber mulch over asphalt or concrete, as these surfaces severely
    GroundSmart™ Rubber Mulch Playground/Play Area Installation Instructions. For 10′, 12′ and 16′ of Critical Fall Height Protection as measured by ASTM F1292-
    Jan 18, 2012 Rubberific Mulch / NuScape / Re-Play / NuPlay. Playground installation guidelines. Fall height measurement to determine depth of
    Installation Instructions for Playground Applications 1) Insure that your playground is leveled and graded evenly. 2) Install your playground set and the border edging in the configuration desired. 3) Install porous landscaping fabric. Using landscape tape, staples or liquid nails, attach the fabric to the edging.

    We thought it would be helpful to walk through a rubber mulch installation highlighting the primary steps involved including the installation of playground border,
    Properly preparing the play area for installation of rubber mulch will help assure many years of maximum safety with minimum maintenance. Instructions for installation: materials such as sod, wood chips or gravel from the playground area.

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