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    arc magmas entails the formation of complementary thick ultrama? c keels at the root of the island arc crust. Dunite, wehrlite, and Cr-rich pyroxenite from the Jijal complex, constitut-ing the Moho transition zone of the Kohistan paleo-island arc (northern Pakistan), are often
    Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers.
    New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and U?Pb mineral ages from plutonic rocks help constrain the thermal and tectonic evolution of the Kohistan island arc terrane following its collision with India in early Tertiary time. Kohistan has experienced a prolonged tectonomagmatic history extending from the Early Cretaceous through the Tertiary.
    Construction of the granitoid crust of an island arc. Part II: a quantitative petrogenetic model Oliver E. Jagoutz Received: 25 March 2009/Accepted: 30 December 2009 Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Results of simple model calculations that inte-grate cumulate compositions from the Kohistan arc terrain
    Geochemical Architecture of the Lower- to Middle-crustal Section of a Paleo-island Arc (Kohistan Complex, Jijal^Kamila Area, Northern Pakistan): Implications for the Evolution of an Oceanic Subduction Zone BRUNO DHUIME1*, DELPHINE BOSCH1,CARLOSJ.GARRIDO2, JEAN-LOUIS BODINIER1, OLIVIER BRUGUIER1, SAHID S. HUSSAIN3 AND HAMID DAWOOD3
    The formation and bulk composition of modern juvenile continental crust: The Kohistan arc O. Jagoutz a,?, M.W. Schmidt b a Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA b Institut of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zurich, 8092 Switzerland
    The Kohistan arc, situated in the Pakistan Himalaya, is a Cretaceous intraoceanic island arc which was initiated during the northward movement of the Indian Plate. The arc was sutured to Asia at ca. 100 Ma. It was subsequently tilted northward when underplated by Indian continental crust during the early stages of India-Asia collision.
    Andesitic crust formation is only incipient in such arcs, while the fossil Kohistan island arc constitutes a mature island arc with a fully developed 420km thick batholith resulting in a bulk crust compo-sition that is andesitic (Jagoutz and Schmidt, 2012). Large volumes of felsic uppercrustare observed ine.g.,Izu Bonin (Kodaira et al., 2007)
    O. Jagoutz: The Fate of aging: Insight into arc maturation processes from the Kohistan Island arc. Institute seminar held at the University of Geneva, Switzerland April 2006 O. Jagoutz: Application of GIS & Remote Sensing in geological mapping: Example from Kohistan Island arc, Pakistan. Invited lecture given at the First International Workshop arc crust and the formation of dense, unstable garnet granulite roots in the lower arc crust. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Kohistan arc complex (Western Himalaya, Northern Pakistan; Fig. 1) is an exhumed section of a Cretaceous island arc that formed during northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys Ocean beneath the
    The Kohistan island arc terrane is sandwiched between the collided Indian and Karakoram plates in the Himalaya of North Pakistan. Structures related to collision, during which the arc was thrust onto the leading edge of continental India along the
    generation in intra-oceanic island arc environments and allows us to propose a new multistage model for the earliest episodes of the Kohistan arc building. 2. Geological setting The Kohistan arc complex (KAC, Fig 1a), in northern Pakistan,represents the exhumed section of a Cretaceous intraoceanic arc formed during the northward subduction
    generation in intra-oceanic island arc environments and allows us to propose a new multistage model for the earliest episodes of the Kohistan arc building. 2. Geological setting The Kohistan arc complex (KAC, Fig 1a), in northern Pakistan,represents the exhumed section of a Cretaceous intraoceanic arc formed during the northward subduction
    (2) O. Jagoutz, O. Muntener, J.-P. Burg, P. Ulmer and E. Jagoutz (2006): Lower continental crust formation through focused flow in km-scale melt conduits: The zoned ultramafic bodies of the Chilas Complex in the Kohistan island arc (NW Pakistan). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 242, 310-342. (Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2006

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