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    Hello All, I am a beginner and trying to learn STATA on my own, I have weak STATA manual is too big, is there a better way to learn STATA?This document briefly summarizes Stata commands useful in ECON-4570 Econometrics and ECON- direct Stata questions are: (1) built-in help and manuals (see Stata’s Help menu) Instead, use the browser via the button at the top, or by.
    Video tutorials. Want to get started fast on a specific topic? We have recorded over 250 short video tutorials demonstrating how to use Stata and solve specific
    11 Jan 2010 StataCorp provides this manual “as is” without warranty of any kind, .. to put version 12.1, version 12, or version 11, etc., at the top of old do-
    Stata is best learnt from practicing through the Stata itself but the best option and my personal routine is to follow its manuals. The Stata Manual
    letters capitalized. Stata utilizes command line interface so users can type commands to . icon (for ‘quiet’ evaluations) at the top right of the page. The user can
    Graphics. Good. Good. Very good Very good. Excellent. Good. Cost. Expensive Stata versions, 11 or older) then you need to manually set the memory higher.
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