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    Thomas Zellmann has been working in electronic data processing (EDP) for more than 30 years and has extensive experience with classic and modern IT
    The Jesus of the Gospel of Thomas Written by: Detlev Koepke Edited and in the writing of the New Testament were the philosopher Seneca and the Jewish This short passage, called the Testimonium Flavianum, has occa- sioned an
    Although, when speaking to doubting Thomas, Jesus commends those who Tacitus was a Roman historian writing early in the second century AD (112 AD). His Here is the second Josephus reference, the Testimonium Flavianum, as it is
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    Oct 30, 2015 –
    The extant manuscripts of the book Antiquities of the Jews, written by the first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus around 93–94 AD, contain two references to Jesus of Nazareth and one reference to John the Baptist. The first and most extensive reference to Jesus in the Antiquities, found in The Testimonium Flavianum (meaning the testimony of Flavius Josephus) is
    Thomas J. Wespetal, “Martyrdom and the Furtherance of God’s Plan: The evidence are the New Testament, early Christian writers, and Roman and Jewish is also unrelated to Jesus and is twice as long as the Testimonium Flavianum.50-140, Gospel of Thomas. 50-140 of Peter and the Twelve. 150-225, Book of Thomas the Contender 150-400, Dialogue Between John and Jesus. 160-170
    Jul 6, 2012 –
    Dec 6, 2014 –

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